Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Henry's newborn pictures

I am so far behind in uploading pictures of Henry! Yikes!!!! I'll start with some newborn pictures and work my way up! :) Here are some from his first few days. Gosh he looks so little.

Grandma Keimig meeting Henry for the first time. He's not even an hour old yet!

Snuggled up with Grandpa Keimig.

Grandpa Higgins meeting Henry.

Grandma Higgins was working the day he was born. Luckily she was able to sneak away several times to see him! :)

I love him!!!

Proud parents.

Getting ready to head home. I wanted to move into the hospital, but they wouldn't let me.

Packed up and ready to go.

Tiny feet and tiny toes.

Uncle Jon and Henry

Aunt Tiffany and Henry

Aunt Jackie and Henry

Aunt Pam and Henry

Jeanie, Evie, Carol, and Jenny made the trip to see Henry!

Sarah came down a couple days after we came home. :)

Rachel, her Mom, and Emma made a visit! :)

There are so many other pictures of his first few days. I'll try to sort through some more and add them to his monthly posts! :)

I remember being very sleep deprived (shoot I still am not sleeping much) and so much in love with this little guy those first few weeks. My Mom stayed the first week with us. It was great having her here to help out. I cried and cried when she left with Dad the following weekend.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

30th Birthday

Today is my 30th Birthday! Wow! When I was younger I always thought people who were in their 30s were old! HAHA!!! It seriously hasn't bothered me. I have a blessed life- a wonderful husband, a sweet baby boy, a loving family, and amazing friends. I know that this year is going to be great.

I have been a terrible blogger! I have no excuse- except for the lack of sleep these past almost nine months. Henry is doing great! He is growing and changing so much. I am going to try to do better about blogging in 2013. He has two bottom teeth, has started to army crawl, loves to clap, and is just an overall happy baby. Brian and I are truly blessed to be his Mommy and Daddy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Still Waiting

Well here were are a day away from my due date and sweet Henry still hasn't made his appearance. I kept making my "predictions" when he'd come and I've been wrong every time! Go figure! I've been having real contractions for the past week or so and am getting really anxious to meet our sweet little guy. I go to the doctor tomorrow for a few tests (just to make sure things are okay) and to also talk about a possible induction date.

I woke up yesterday morning with what my sweet sister-in-law, Jackie, labeled as the "bunny flu". She was sick Easter evening through Monday. I had something similiar all day yesterday but am feeling much better today. I even dusted and cleaned a couple of rooms! :) Who knows maybe this is a sign that he'll come soon!

I'll be sure to update with tons of pictures once sweet Henry is here. I'm thinking of not posting as much on Facebook, but providing a link to the blog for close family and friends....but most likely I'll still post some of Facebook.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wow! I think my goal for the new year needs to be to blog more than once every two months! Yikes! I know that when Baby Higgins arrives I'll want to post lots of pictures of hang in for a few more months!

I am feeling great!  I am 26 weeks and 4 days! I am getting so excited to meet our little guy. He likes to tell me he is around by constantly moving and kicking! I'm going to miss those movements, but so excited to have him in my arms! I just hope I can let other people hold him....hahaha!!!

We had a great Christmas and New Years! We were able to spend time with both families and then spent New Years with close friends in Metamora, Illinois!

I need to start taking my camera with me to capture these moments! I think I do have some picts from Christmas, so I'll try to get them uploaded soon!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


There are so many reasons to be thankful this year! I love spending time reflecting on all the good (and even the not so good) moments of the past year and thought I'd share them with you!

2011 has been one of the most life changing years of my entire life. :)

*I finished out my last year at St. Paul School and enjoyed all the memories made there with the faculty, staff, students, and parents! I will always have a special place in my heart for the St. Paul Saints!

*I planned the wedding of my dreams and married my best friend in June! Brian is such a wonderful, loving, and supportive husband! He works hard to provide for us both and I am thankful for him! I am trying to help out as much as I can as a substitute teacher this year! I've subbed four times so far! HAHA!!!

*I am so thankful for Baby Higgins who is currently kicking and moving up a storm! I have been feeling flutters for a few weeks now (well I didn't know it was the baby at the time) but this week the baby has been very active. "UMMMM HELLO MOM DON'T FORGET I AM IN HERE!" I am 20 weeks along and so thankful to be at the half way point! I go on December 1st with Brian for our ultrasound but sorry folks we aren't announcing until Christmas! I had the crazy idea of us not finding out either, but changed my mind two days ago! I can't wait to find out.

*I am thankful for the 90 years my Grandpa lived on this earth! I am also thankful he was able to be at our wedding and dance with me! A memory I will always cherish!!!! He is in Heaven now watching over all of us! :)

*I am thankful for my friends. Many were married this year, several had babies in 2011, and there are even some expecting in 2012! I couldn't ask for a better group of friends. I am thankful they are always around with a smile, hug, and words of advice!

*I am thankful for family as well! I have the best parents in the world! I also have the best in-laws ever too!!!! Thankful for my five nephews as well!!!! Jared and Jacob, Logan and Tyson, and Topher are the cutest boys in  the world! Will Baby Higgins be a boy or a girl???? I can't wait!

Thankful for so much this year!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bad Blogger

Wow! I am such a bad blogger! I am so sorry to all of my loyal (all five of you) followers! I promise to try to be better at blogging, especially when Baby Higgins arrives! I might even give out the blog address for those who would be interested in reading all about the baby!

So for today I'll just post about the past two months! Sorry no pictures (unless I get motivated and upload some) just a bunch of random thoughts from this preggo!

*Back in October my Grandpa Keimig passed away. I was able to spend some time with him the weekend before (even though he wasn't responsive) and am so thankful for my loving and supportive husband for letting me go. I had such a special bond with Grandpa. After Grandma passed away in 2005 I was fortunate enough to find the BEST job ever at St. Paul School because of Grandpa K. He saw the opening in the church bulletin and told my Dad that I should apply. Thanks Grandpa! We bonded even more that first year as I stopped by to visit him, take him to church and dinner on Saturday nights, and other fun events. Grandpa was able to be at our wedding in June and I even got to dance with him in his wheelchair. Another memory I will always cherish!

*I have a new nephew! Jon and Tiffany had Topher Jon on October 14th. I was able to be there (in the waiting room) when he arrived. I was still "home" after Grandpa's funeral and we got a call at midnight. Mom took off with Tiffany's parents right away and I waited for Dad to get off work. She was in labor all day but he arrived shortly after Dad and I got there (around 9 pm). He is an absolute doll and I love him so much already! He had to stay in the NICU for a few days because they both had fevers at birth, but he is doing great now!

*I traveled to Denver, Colorado last weekend with Jeanie, Evie, and Dan and Carol for our good friend Amy's wedding. It was such a fun roadtrip! We were in the car 28 plus hours total (there and back) but we sure had fun! Good thing for the dvd player in the car. Congrats to Amy and Joe!

*I am officially 18 weeks (even though the nurse told me I was a bit further along...woohooo) today! I can't believe we are almost to our halfway point. I go in three weeks for my ultrasound to see if Baby Higgins is a boy or a girl. Any guesses???? I am still feeling great. I'm not as tired and haven't really had any more morning sickness (not that I really had any to begin with).

*I love Thanksgiving and Christmas! My two favorite holidays of the year are near! I don't know what it is about these two holidays, but I love love love them! We are with Brian's family for Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve this year and then with my family on Christmas Day/Weekend. The radio stations are already playing Christmas music (but I'm really okay with it)!

I'll be back to regular blogging soon!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

We Are Pregnant

Well the cat is out of the bag! I posted a cute onesie on my FB page last night. It was sent to me from CatholicMatch! My BFF Sarah contacted CM and told them about Brian and I being married and how we are expecting our first child. They sent it for free! How Cool! I'll try to upload that picture soon! :)  I have seen the Pregnancy Highlights on several other blogs I follow and thought it would be fun to post it on my blog as well. Sadly, I haven't taken any pictures yet. I am not really showing yet (just my chubby side) and most days I don't put much effort into getting ready! I promise to start taking weekly shots soon! :)

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 11 Weeks

Size of baby: A Large Plum

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained enough not to post it yet! :)

Maternity Clothes: I've been wearing maternity jeans and have bought a few tops. I am still wearing my tops though!

Gender: We don't know the gender yet! Most likely we will be finding out though! :)

Movement: I feel like the baby is moving around because I've been feeling little flutters here and there...but it is still early to feel big movements!

Sleep: Sleeping has been interesting. I get up A LOT to use the bathroom so it is hard to get completely comfortable. I seem to have been tossing and turning more this week. At least I can still sleep on my stomach for the time being!

What I miss: Sleeping through the night and not having much energy to do things I used to be able to do.

Cravings: I haven't been craving anything specific, just feel like I have to eat all the time! I did go through a phase of wanting Strawberry Milkshakes...and that is still something that sounds yummy!

Symptoms: Being extremely tired all the time!

Best Moment this week: Posting my news on FB and having a check up! I go in a week to hear the heartbeat! WOOHOO!!!